

We're OK, Moms

Dear Faithful Readers,
Sorry we haven't been able to update in a while - it's been due to the barrenness of the Utah desert, not our misfortune. We made it into Utah, across a 120 mile stretch with no services, and to Boulder, where we met up with Tony, Jon's dad (aka our second most frequent blogger), who will ride with us for the next three days. If you've been reading the comments, you'll know to donate to our causes by Thursday, because Tony is also planning on matching donations given during his ride.

Let's see if Tony can keep up with you guys! Good luck. Looking forward to photos of Utah. Keep safe and hydrated.
Abbe met up with Tina in Thailand yesterday
Good, he can update you on all the great baseball news, like Trot's injury, Schilling's ineffectiveness, and the Yanks' new OF acquisition. Did he remember to bring Blair's MegaDeath hot sauce in case anyone needs a kick in the pants?
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