

Day 42 - 48.60 Miles

Welcome to Utah, Tony
Boulder, UT
A tough morning of climbing in the rain led us over Boulder Mountain and down to the town of Boulder, where we met up with Tony, Jon's dad. He treated us to an awesome dinner at the Hell's Backbone Grill and luxurious rooms in a mountain lodge. Just as we had had two flats yesterday (which we forgot to mention), he got two flats just driving out to meet us without even getting on a bike - first, his taxi's tire got a flat, which he had to change because the driver was so out of breath from just opening his car door, and second, his rental bike had a leaky rear tire. But we patched everything up, spent some time in the hot tub and got a good night's sleep for our ride tomorrow.
Song of the day: Flat Tire (is that a song?)

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