

Day 50 - 69.90 Miles

Trouble for/in Austin
Austin, NV
Our Eureka campground host was kind enough to take Austin's tire to a gas station to pump it up, even though they didn't have the right adapter, so we were able to get rolling early. We only had two big climbs on the day, and we would finish with a tough climb up to Austin Summit. Ironically, Austin would not be able to summit Austin Summit on his bike. Three miles before the top, his chain broke and fell off his bike and he was forced to walk up the hill. Oh, and he got another flat tire, too, which we were only able to inflate with some more McGyver magic. At least once he got over the top, he was able to coast to camp, unlike Tony with his blow outs. We actually ended up camping in the town park right next to the pool and had a pretty relaxing evening, capped off with breakfast for dinner.
Song of the Day: Against the Wind by Bob Seger

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