

Day 51 - 112.98 Miles

Record Day
Fallon, NV
After fixing another flat tire on Austin's bike, Austin took off to beat the heat. Jon, on the other hand, was so cold - our coldest nights by far have been in Nevada - that even with every layer of clothing he owned, he needed to wait until the sun came up over the mountains to start riding. We met up just before lunch, though, only to realize that if we were going to make it to the bike shop in Fallon before 5 to buy a new pump, Jon was going to have to speed ahead. After a grueling four hour sprint over salt flats, by sand dunes, and under the hot sun, he got there to find out the shop was out of busines. Awesome. The one cool thing about the ride was that Navy fighter jets and helicopters were flying over us all day. We saw some doing their best Maveric/Iceman impressions as they chased each other over the mountains and into the vallyes we were riding through, one did an unauthorized flyby over Jon's head, and we also saw some flying in tight formations.
Song of the Day: California Dreaming by the Mamas and Papas

WOW! 113 miles in one day - your longest so far. You guys are amazing! Your poor little tushies must hurt.
You guys deserve a good massage!
Damn, that's twice!

Charlie and I are visiting your parents this weekend, J, and are gettting to hear first-hand about the incredible experience that Tony had for those 3 days of amazing scenery, challenging cycling, and the fun-filled company of the Awesome Twosome, J and A. We are blown away, hearing about how you dealt with the endless obstacles of all those flat tires, heat, and hills! I'm sitting here in J's parents' house, enjoying taking more time to read all of the blog, laughing a lot at your funny lists, the choice of songs, and the comments about the people you've met, the signs and sights you've seen, thoughts about body odor, farts, and other things that have occupied your minds on the many hours on the bike. What an experience of a lifetime! Your blog is the best souvenir!
Great going, J and Austin! You're the best!
Love, Janie and Charlie
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